Shawn Singh Behal is a communications professional pursuing a career in public relations. Singh Behal is currently in pursuit of a Master’s degree in Strategic Communications and maintains a Bachelor’s degree from Towson University in Baltimore, MD.
For as long as he can remember, Shawn Behal has been energized by an analytical mindset. Not one to take things at face value, Behal is always eager to tap into the deeper ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. That perspective is true in all facets of his life, but truly comes out to shine in his professional career in communications. Digging deep into different media formats, Behal seeks to do more than just consume media: he aims to uncover the larger messages being communicated in these outlets. As far as this communications professional is concerned, there is always something to learn from a medium — even in simple entertainment! A scholar of this mindset, Behal is on a journey to solidify his specialization in the strategic side of public relations.
Associate’s degree in General Studies (Community College)
While preparing for the academic road ahead, Shawn Singh Behal enrolled in a local community college to set the foundation for his professional path. Aiming for a well-rounded education, Behal pursued and completed an Associate’s degree in General Studies. This experience equipped him with a framework which assisted Behal in discovering a more specialized interest. After taking his first introductory level communications course, his focus became clear.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Communication Studies (Towson University)
Following the completion of his Associate’s degree, Shawn Behal pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies. This pursuit set the foundation for his career in public relations and media and set the tone for his professional focus. Behal is now rounding off his area of focus with a specialized Master’s degree in Strategic Communications, which he is currently pursuing.
Early Professional Experience
Eager to enter the working world, Shawn Behal has worked in tandem with his education and academic experiences. While studying for his Associate’s degree in General Studies, Behal worked as an Office Assistant in the Religion and Philosophy department of his community college. He has also maintained Customer Service Representative and managerial positions in the retail industry.